Group Health Insurance policy insure all employees of corporate as well as their families against unforeseen medical expenses, allowing you the flexibility to choose covers as per your needs.

Scope of cover

  • Covers medical expenses incurred during Hospitalisation for a minimum period of 24 hours
  • 30 days pre-hospitalisation and 60 days post-hospitalisation expenses covered.

Key benefits

  • Flexible product which can be tailor made for your requirements.
  • Availability of Family Floater wherein any member of the family can avail of the Floater Sum Insured.
  • Cashless service available at all the network- hospitals

Additional coverage

  • Following are some of the covers which can be availed upon payment of additional premium
  • Pre-existing diseases
  • Maternity expenses with specific capping in sum insured.

*As per policy Terms & Conditions

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Employee data required for Quotation (Name / Date of Birth/ Sum Insured / Relationship)
  • Claims data if renewal
  • Expiring Policy

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

The insurance policy compensates the insured in case of accidental death, loss of limbs and eyes, permanent total disablement and permanent partial disablement.

Sum insured

  • The sum insured can be decided on the basis of earning capacity of the insured person.


  • The premium chargeable for the policy depends on occupation of the insured person and the table of benefits availed.

Significant exclusions

  • The Insurance Policy does not cover losses arising out of suicide, self-injury, venereal diseases, war and nuclear perils and pregnancy.

Group discount

  • The group policy is eligible for group discount based on the size of the group. The group discount is slab-wise and increases with the size of the group.

Main extension

  • Medical expenses following an accident.
  • This is not an exhaustive list. For details, please read our policy terms and conditions.

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Employee data required for Quotation (Name / Date of Birth/ Sum Insured / Relationship)
  • Claims data if renewal
  • Expiring Policy

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

Workmen’s Compensation Policy offers monetary compensation to the employees/nominee in case of medical emergencies during their employment period.

Scope of cover

The policy, provides for two forms of insurance viz:

Table ‘A’ -Indemnity against legal liability to all employees (whether or not coming within the definition of the term Workmen) under the W.C. Act 1923 and subsequent amendment to the said Act prior to the date of issue of the policy, the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 and at Common Law.

Table ‘B’ -Indemnity against legal liability under the Fatal Accidents Act, 1855 and Common Law. (Table ‘B’ policies may not be issued to cover employees who fall within the definition of “Workmen” under the Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923 as amended).

Sum insured

  • The sum insured is calculated on the basis of:
  • Earnings include wages, salaries, over time, board / lodging, and other perquisites
  • Premium
  • The premium rate depends on the occupation and wages of the workmen

Main extension

  • Medical extension can be given by charging extra premium.
  • This is not an exhaustive list. For details, please read our policy terms and conditions.

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Site of risk to be covered
  • Risk duration
  • Nature of work
  • Employee data required for Quotation
    1. Type of worker(skilled, semi skilled, engineer, supervisor etc)
    2. Monthly Wages of worker

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

* Download Proposal form – [RELIANCE] [ICICI LOMBARD] [IFFCO TOKIO]  

Standard fire insurance policies provide coverage against financial loss or property damage caused by a fire or other covered perils.

What does it cover?

  • Fire
  • Lightning
  • Explosion/Implosion
  • Aircraft Damage
  • Riot, Strike, Malicious Damages & Terrorism
  • Storm, Tempest, Cyclone, Typhoon, Hurricane, Tornado, Flood and inundation
  • Impact damage
  • Subsidence, Landslide and Rockslide
  • Missile Testing operations
  • Bursting and/or overflowing of Water Tanks, Apparatus and Pipes
  • Leakage from Automatic Sprinkler Installations
  • Bush Fire
  • General exclusions from the policy:
  • War and war like perils
  • High value items like gold, precious stones, unless specified
  • Loss of earning due to market uncertainties

Useful add-ons offered to cover specific needs:

  • You can also choose among following covers, upon payment of additional premium.
    1. Architects, Surveyors & Consulting Engineers fees (in excess of the provisions of the standard policy)
    2. Debris Removal (in excess of the provisions of the standard policy)
    3. Forest Fire
    4. Impact Damage by your own vehicles etc.
    5. Spontaneous combustion
    6. Omission to insure Additions, Alterations or Extensions
    7. Earthquake (Fire & Shock)
    8. Spoilage Material Damage Cover
    9. Leakage & Contamination Cover
    10. Loss of Rent
    11. Alternative Accommodation
    12. Start Up Expenses
    13. Terrorism Cover
    14. Deterioration of Stocks

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Occupancy of risk
  • Risk location address
  • Sum insured/ amount of cover needed
  • Previous year policy
  • Previous claims details
  • Fire fighting arrangements
  • Basement exposure
  • Photos if needed

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

Scope of cover

Legal liability for manufacturing, warehousing and construction industries towards damages to third party with respect to:

  • Accidental death
  • Bodily injury or disease
  • Loss or damage to property.
  • Legal costs and expenses incurred with the prior consent of the Insurer and within the limit of indemnity.

Main extension

  • Goods kept in custody of insured extension
  • Food and beverages extension
  • Sports facilities, swimming pool and other facilities extension
  • Transportation extension
  • Act of God Perils extension
  • For Public liability non industrial risks
  • Scope of cover

This policy broadly covers

Legal liability for offices, schools, housing societies, hotels, restaurants and other such non industrial occupancies, towards damages to third party with respect to:

  • Accidental death
  • Bodily injury or disease
  • Loss or damage to property.
  • Main extension
  • Goods kept in custody of insured extension
  • Food and beverages extension
  • Sports facilities, swimming pool and other facilities extension
  • Transportation extension
  • Act of God Perils extension

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Amount of cover required
  • Proposal form duly filled
  • Occupation of the insured

*Subject to standard terms & conditions


It is a comprehensive policy which is generally used for covering offices in order to cover the loss or damage which has occurred through fire, earthquake, flood, riot, burglary, cash in safe and while in transit, legal liability



It covers loss or damage to buildings and contents due to fire, lightening, strike, riot, storm, cyclone, flood etc.


It covers any loss or damage caused by burglary or attempt of burglary to contents in office

All risk

It covers loss or damage to equipment in office, mobile equipment’s such as laptop, mobile or phone.

Cost of data reinstatement

It covers for the cost that is incurred in restoring the data that is lost because of an insured peril

Money (In Safe & In Transit)

It covers loss of money due to burglary of cash in safe place or in transit from office to bank/atm and bank to office.


It covers financial losses due to fraud or dishonest act of salaried employees of office.

Cheque forgery

Loss occurred due to alteration of cheques, drafts or any negotiable instruments.

Personal accident

Bodily injuries because of accident resulting in death or permanent total disability. It also provides for ambulance charges upto Rs 2000 and in the event of death for carriage of dead body.

Public liability

This cover provides for legal liability on behalf of the proposer for accidental death or bodily injury to third party excluding resident employee or domestic staff as well as accidental damage to third party property.

Glass breakage

This covers loss or damage to any fixed plain glass caused by an accident, external and visible means

Tenant’s legal liability

It provides for legal liability imposed on prosper, due to unintentional property damage for loss or damage to the property caused by fire, explosion or water damage to the premises in the form of building or contents owned by or belonging to another used by the insured in the capacity of a tenant or a person holding them in custody for which the proposer is legally responsible.


  • Earthquake
  • Terrorism
  • Escalation
  • Loss of rent
  • Additional Rent for alternative accommodation


  • In case the actual value of the sum insured is less when compared to the loss occurred under fire then claim would be reduced in the same proportion
  • Wilful destruction of property
  • Loss or damage or destruction due to war perils, wear and tear atmospheric conditions etc.
  • Loss occurred if the dwelling is empty for more than 30 days
  • Any loss of content under fire policy, burglary whose value is greater than 10,000 cannot be covered unless specified in proposal form
  • This is not an exhaustive list. For details, please read our policy terms and conditions

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Name & Address of customer
  • Sum insured for every coverage
  • Claims data if renewal
  • Expiring Policy

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

Buy Computer, Printer & Other Insurance Policy-

This policy is suitable for electronic equipment like computers, printers, scanners, industrial electronic machines and servers and data storage equipment’s. It is an All Risk Policy

The Insurance Policy broadly covers material damage to electronic equipment (which can include systems software) due to sudden and unforeseen events, cost of external data media, including cost of reconstruction of data, as also increased cost of working.

Sum Insured

  • Sum Insured for coverage can be based on following :
  • New Replacement cost of the insured property including Freight, Erection cost, Customs Duty, if any.
  • Cost of restoring the external data media by replacing lost or damaged data media by new material and lost information.
  • Sum Insured should represent the hiring charges per hour for substitute equipment for ensuring continued data processing for the period of indemnity specified, including personnel and transportation charges.

Add-On Covers

  • Air Freight
  • Express Freight
  • Additional Customs Duty
  • Significant Exclusions
  • The Insurance Policy does not cover losses/ damages due to wear & tear, war, wilful act or wilful negligence, aesthetic defects and consequential loss.
  • Value of “System Software” which is integral to the built-in-software only could be included under Section-I. The “Application Software” being external is not covered.
  • This is not an exhaustive list. For details, please read our policy terms and conditions.

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Name & Address of customer
  • Sum insured for every coverage
  • Claims data if renewal
  • Expiring Policy

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

It is a comprehensive policy which is generally used for covering shops in order to cover the loss or damage to both the structure and its contents and against financial loss in case of an unfortunate incident of fire, earthquake, flood, riot, fraud and burglary of cash in safe place and while in transit from bank to shop vice versa etc. It also provides compensation of liability claims and accidental benefits.



  • It covers loss or damage to buildings and contents due to fire, lightening, strike, riot, storm, cyclone, flood etc.


  • It covers any loss or damage caused by burglary or attempt of burglary to contents in your shop

Money (Safe & Transit):

  • It covers loss of money due to burglary of cash in safe place or in transit from shop to bank/atm and bank to shop. The premium is calculated from Per Sending Limit as defined by the insured.


  • It covers financial losses due to fraud or dishonest act of salaried employees.

Cheque Forgery Loss occurred due to forgery or material alteration of cheques, drafts or any negotiable instruments issued by you or in your favour

Personal Accident:

  • Bodily injuries because of accident resulting in death or permanent total disability. It also provides for ambulance charges upto Rs 2000 and in the event of death for carriage of dead body

Public liability:

  • This cover provides for legal liability on behalf of the proposer for accidental death or bodily injury to third party excluding resident employee or domestic staff as well as accidental damage to third party property.

Glass Breakage:

  • This covers loss or damage to any fixed plain glass caused by an accident, external and visible means.


  • Neon or glow signs displayed at your shop premises are covered against damage caused by fire, accident, riot & flood


  • Earthquake
  • Terrorism
  • Escalation


  • In case the actual value of the sum insured is less when compared to the loss occurred under fire then claim would be reduced in the same proportion
  • Involvement of the Insured’s and/or Insured’s staff directly / indirectly
  • livestock, motor vehicles, pedal cycles, money, securities for money, stamp, bullion, deeds, bonds, bills of exchange, promissory notes, stock or share certificates, business books, manuscripts, documents of any kind, ATM debit or credit cards (unless previously specifically declared to, and accepted by, the Company);
  • Insured’s premise is unoccupied, for a period of more than 30 days consecutively To any property illegally acquired, kept, stored, or property subject to forfeiture in any manner whatsoever.
  • To jewellery, gold ornaments, precious stones and silver articles of any description
  • second or subsequent transit in any one day.
  • where the absence of immediate notice to the Police authorities and to the Company, along with FIR
  • This is not an exhaustive list. For details, please read our policy terms and conditions.

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Name & Address of customer
  • Expiring policy
  • Claims details if renewal
  • Sum insured for every coverage

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

Scope of cover

The insurance policy broadly covers loss and/or damage by burglary, housebreaking (theft following upon actual, forcible and violent entry of and/or exit from the premises) including hold-up risk and damage caused to premises.

Significant exclusions

The insurance policy does not cover loss and/or damage arising out of war, riot, strike, civil commotion, terrorism and by use of keys to safe.

Special features

  • Stocks frequently fluctuating in value can be insured on declaration basis.
  • Stocks can be insured on ‘First Loss’ basis.
  • Main extension
  • Theft
  • Riots, strikes and terrorist damage
  • This is not an exhaustive list. For details, please read our policy terms and conditions.

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Name & Address of customer
  • Sum insured
  • Occupancy
  • Photos if needed

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

If you are planning an event, whether it’s a Corporate Conferences, Seminars, Live Concerts, Award Ceremonies, School & College Annual Functions, Wedding Ceremonies, Sports Events like Cricket, Hockey, Kabaddi etc. make sure you have appropriate event insurance in place, which can help protect your event from those unforeseen circumstances and losses to your business.

What is covered under Event Insurance?

  • Section I – Cancellation of Event
  • Section II- Material damage
  • Section III- Personal Accident
  • Section IV- Public Liability
  • Scope of Cover: Cancellation or postponement of the Event due to:

Fire & Allied perils including Earthquake at the Venue.

Burglary & Theft at the Venue

  • Sudden, unexplained, unintimated failure of the Named Person (s) to appear for the Event on account of any of the following contingencies:
  • Death of such Named Person(s);
  • Personal injury, either temporary or permanent, which renders the Named Person(s) incapable of appearing at the insured event.
  • Illness resulting in hospitalization of the Named person
  • Basis of Sum insured for Event Cancellation:

Expenses on the following things will be covered:

  • All non recoverable Expenses incurred to organize the event
  • Revenues Related to event
  • Main Exclusions: The Company shall not be liable for cancellation of the event due to:
  • Any consequential loss due to cancellation of the insured event.
  • Unexplained or mysterious disappearance or shortage in respect of the property to be utilized for the insured event discovered upon taking of inventory.
  • Damage to, or destruction of, property caused intentionally by the Insured or at Insured’s direction.
  • Section – II Damage to Property

Scope of Cover: Direct physical loss/ damage caused to property insured due to

  • Std. Fire & Allied Perils including Earthquake
  • Burglary & Theft
  • Basis of Sum insured for Material Damage:
  • Any tangible assets installed or utilized at the venue for the purpose of the event.

Main Exclusions: The Company shall not be liable for material damage due to:

  • Any damage caused to any property to be utilized for the insured event caused by wear & tear, gradual deterioration, depreciation, mechanical or electrical breakdown.
  • Unexplained or mysterious disappearance or shortage in respect of the property to be utilized for the insured event discovered upon taking of inventory.
  • Loss or damage to property stored outdoors without due attendance or supervision.
  • Damage to, or destruction of, property caused intentionally by the Insured or at Insured’s direction.

Section – III Personal Accident

Scope of Cover:

  • Named person including Blood relation & relatives are covered against
  • Accidental death
  • Permanent partial Disablement
  • Permanent Total Disablement
  • (Names to be declared)

Main Exclusions: The Company shall not be liable for:

Compensation under more than one of the foregoing sub-clauses in respect of the same period of disablement of the insured person.

Compensation in respect of death or bodily injury or any disease or illness to the insured person directly or indirectly caused by or contributed to by nuclear weapons, arising from ionizing radiations or nuclear contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel.

Compensation in respect of death, injury or disablement of the insured person due to or arising out of or directly or indirectly connected with or traceable to War, Invasion, Act of foreign enemy, Hostilities (whether war be declared or not), Civil War, Rebellion, Revolution, Insurrection, Mutiny, Military or Usurped Power, Seizure, Capture, Arrests, Restraint and Detainment of whatever nature.

Compensation in respect of death, injury or disablement of the insured person from:

(a) intentional self-injury, suicide or attempted suicide,

(b) whilst under the influence of intoxicating liquor or drugs,

Section – IV Public Liability

Scope of Cover: Liability towards third parties for any accidents resulting in injury or damage occurring at the venue of the Event, in connection with the Event, during the policy period.

Main Exclusions: The Company shall not be liable for any liability arising due to:


  • Acts of God, earthquake, earth-tremor, volcanic eruption, flood, storm, tempest, typhoon, hurricane, tornado, cyclone or other similar acts or convulsions of nature and atmospheric disturbances.
  • Deliberate, wilful or intentional non-compliance of any statutory requirements.
  • Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages or any other damages resulting from the multiplication of compensatory damages, or arising out of any criminal liabilities
  • Consequence of war, invasion, act of foreign enemy, hostilities (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, terrorism, insurrection or military or usurped power.
  • Ionising radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof.
  • Claims arising out of any motor vehicle or trailer temporarily in the Insured’s custody or control for the purpose of parking. damage to property owned, leased or hired or under hire purchase or on loan to the Insured or otherwise in the Insured’s care, custody or control other than Premises (or the contents thereof) temporarily occupied by the Insured for work thereon or other property temporarily in the Insured’s possession for work
  • Loss or damage to the Visitors’ clothing and personal effects.

This is not an exhaustive list. For details, please read our policy terms and conditions.

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

Erection All Risks (EAR) policy is designed to cover Plant and Machinery under erection. Interest of Suppliers/Manufacturers, Contractors, Subcontractors can be recorded in the policy.

Scope of cover

  • This policy covers risks associated with storage, assembly/erection and testing of Plant and Machinery. EAR insurance provides comprehensive cover.
  • All perils are covered unless specifically excluded.
  • Cover commences from the date of arrival of first consignment at site
  • Cover terminates on the date of expiry as per policy or on completion of Erection and Trial run whichever is earlier.
  • In the event of non-completion of the project within the period as per policy, cover may be extended for such further time as may be required at additional premium

Add On Covers

  • Owners’ Surrounding Property
  • Removal of Debris
  • Additional Customs Duty
  • Air-Freight
  • Express freight, Overtime charges, Holiday wages etc.
  • Contractors’ Plant & Machinery (upto Rs.25 lacs)
  • Third Party Liability(with/without Cross liability)
  • Maintenance Visit or Extended Maintenance
  • Catalyst during Hot test (Petrochemical risks)
  • Holiday and Overtime rates and Wages.
  • Escalation.

It is possible to integrate transit insurance (inland/overseas) on project materials with EAR policy and opt for a combined Marine-cum-Erection policy.

Significant Exclusions

  • Excess in respect of each claim as stipulated
  • Inventory Losses, Normal wear & tear and gradual deterioration due to atmospheric condition or otherwise, rust, scratching of painted or polished surface or breakage of glass.
  • Loss or damage due to faulty design, defective material or casting
  • War and warlike operation
  • Nuclear reaction, nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination.
  • Wilful act or negligence of Insured.
  • Consequential Losses of any kind or description such as losses due to penalty, delay, lack of performance, loss of contract.

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Name & Address of proposer
  • Site of project
  • Type of project/ type of work to be done/ project description
  • Sum insured for every coverage
  • Duration of project

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

Contractors All Risk (CAR) policy is a comprehensive insurance solution designed to covers a broad spectrum of risks to which a civil construction project is exposed to from arrival of construction material at site till the completion of project.

This policy is especially designed keeping in mind contractors, consulting engineers, architects and financiers and insurers against unforeseen accidents.

Scope of cover


  • Houses/Apartments/Township, Cottages/Guest Houses
  • Office Buildings, Multiplexes/Theaters, Hotels/Shopping centers/Malls, Sports Complexes
  • Educational Institutes, Hospitals/Health care facilities, Research Institutes, Religious Buildings


  • Fire/Explosion/Impact Damage/Collapse.
  • Storm/Tempest/Flood Inundation/Subsidence and Landslide.
  • Riot/Strike/Malicious Damage/Burglary/Theft.
  • Electrical/Mechanical Breakdown


  • Owners’ Surrounding Property
  • Removal of Debris
  • Earthquake/Terrorism
  • Escalation
  • Design Defect Cover
  • Breakage of Glass
  • Additional Customs Duty
  • Air-Freight
  • Express freight, Overtime charges, Holiday wages etc.
  • Contractors’ Plant & Machinery (upto 5% of CAR SI or Rs 25 lakhs whichever is lower)
  • Third Party Liability
  • Free Issue of Materials issued by Principal.
  • Construction equipment like scaffolding, shuttering materials
  • Maintenance Visit or Extended Maintenance
  • Cover for insured contract works taken over or put into service.

Please Note:

  • Extension Rates available on per month basis.
  • Installment Facility available for projects with period more than 12 months.
  • Premium Refund Benefit for:
  • Abandonment
  • Double Insurance
  • Early Completion of Project.
  • Option to avail of policy even after the commencement of the project.
  • Cessation of work whether total or partial.
  • Defective Material and/or Workmanship.
  • Wear and Tear.
  • Inventory Losses
  • Faulty Design
  • War and Related Perils
  • Nuclear reaction, Nuclear radiation or radioactive contamination.
  • Wilful act or wilful Negligence of the Insured.
  • Consequential Losses
  • This is not an exhaustive list. For details, please read our policy terms and conditions.

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Name & Address of principal
  • Name & Address of contractor/proposer
  • Site of project
  • Type of project/ type of work to be done/ project description
  • Sum insured for every coverage
  • Duration of project

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

What is it?

It’s security for your goods while they are in transit. This policy secures business goods & personal belongings that are being transported within the country.

It covers your belongings against damage or loss happening anywhere from the source to destination.

Who needs it?

  • Having this policy is essential for businesses and individuals alike. Business shipments are usually high in value and any damage can directly impact business.
  • When it comes to an individual, relocation is regarded as one of the most stressful life events, be it for job change or marriage.
  • Whatever your reason may be for transporting your goods, our policy protects your goods against material damages.

Why do you need it?

As a businessperson your goods are of immense value to you. It’s your source of revenue. Insuring your goods against any untoward incident, while they are being transported, means securing your own future & business.

If you’re an individual and making a move due to personal or professional reasons, you’re likely to be worried about a lot of things already.

Your household items no doubt have memories attached to them and you have painstakingly collected each thing as you’ve moved ahead in life. Knowing that all your stuff is safe means you can breathe easy about this one thing at least.

Why us?

Our marine insurance policy is comprehensive and flexible enough to fulfil your needs. We understand the importance of swift response and efficient service in handling claims, which makes it more practical to get marine insurance directly from us.

What is included?

All the modes of transportation namely, air, water, rail & road are covered under this policy. Goods being transported via courier services are also insured.

Your goods in transit will be protected against vehicle collision, overturning, derailment, or accidents happening anywhere from the source to destination. This coverage can also be extended to loss or damage of goods due to theft, strike, riots, terrorism, and other hostile acts by human by opting for appropriate coverage as per one’s needs.

What details are required for Quotation ?

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Name & Address of proposer
  • Invoice copy
  • Commodity to be insured
  • Sum insured; if different from Invoice value

*Subject to standard terms & conditions

What is it?

This is an insurance of contractors’ plant and machinery that is done on an annual basis. It covers unforeseen and sudden physical loss of or damage to the insured items, necessitating their repair or replacement. The cover, which excludes internal breakdown, applies at work, at rest or during maintenance operations and is not limited to a specific construction site

Who needs it?

  • Owner of plant & machines
  • Banks and financial institutions investing in the project
  • The contractor or the user of the construction machinery

Why do you need it?

  • Provides total coverage for both partial and total damage to machinery or equipment
  • It remains operative for all the items insured, whether these items are at work, being dismantled, for overhauling or cleaning purposes or at rest
  • Insurance is offered as per current replacement value of machinery

What is included?

The policy broadly covers loss or damage to the contractor’s construction modile equipment such as bulldozers, cranes, excavators, compressors, etc., due to an Accident arising out of external perils.

The cover is operative while the insured property is at work or at rest, or being dismantled for the purpose of cleaning or overhauling, or during Subsequent re-erection.

What details are required for Quotation

  • Only Corporate can take this insurance – (Employee – Employer relationship)
  • Policy coverage required
  • Name & Address of proposer
  • Invoice copy
  • machinery to be insured
  • Sum insured; if different from Invoice value
  • Photos in case of old machines or used machines

*Subject to standard terms & conditions